Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 12th, 2016

@alicej_t Cleaning, tidying, general pottering. A little Bluetooth speaker is helpful.

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Ah, the “No! Really?” school of signage.

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I have rescued a small insect from my beer. Status: alive, but acting quite pissed. Has not reattempted flight.

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sblackmoore Virgo: You will haunt the halls of a castle, cursed to frighten the living. This will last until Disneyland security kicks you out.

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@bexxi One clearly cannot judge a Dan by its cover. Annoying-looking bloke has just waved Dan goodbye.

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@Bufty_Grifter These are excellent. Perhaps a little more in a potato wedge direction than purebred chip.

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@bexxi Well, it’s all relative. It’s possible that Annoying Dan is yet to turn up and this guy is a mere amateur.

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@Bufty_Grifter I’ve got them tied with The Ox for best posh chips in Bristol. More research needed, clearly.

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@bexxi TWO men have turned up. One does look naturally annoying. Waiting to find out if I’ve guessed right ;)

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Two girls and dog at next table waiting for “Annoying Dan”. Wondering what will turn up.

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@NewBristol @antimitch I would agree wholeheartedly with this assessment.

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@archidave Yeah, what can you do? I’m on foot, and I’d ruin my Pradas getting to the nearest Michelin star.

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@antimitch I may *have* to try the specifically unfined one now.

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@antimitch …and I spotted a specifically unfined beer on tap, so things may get cloudier!

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@antimitch Little cloudy, true. Tastes lush, though. It’s @NewBristol’s Beer du Jour.

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kayeblegvad So excited that I’ve finally been ripped off by a major retailer! Never getting off my high horse now!!

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That’s twice in 24 hours I’ve tried to go somewhere new in Bristol and they’ve been shut. Hurrah for old faithfuls.

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Curses. @underfallpickle are closed Mondays and Tuesdays. Pump House it is.

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Wow. Hard sell on the Debenhams store card, there. Low pay plus commission for the till people, maybe?

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Ah, Broadmead. Great to see such commitment to street drinking and shouty religion so early in the morning.

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