Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 25th, 2016

soukkitchenbris Does anybody know of a good children’s cake maker Bristol area who could make a cake at short notice 4 this Sunday a friends been let down

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:35 PM, Apr 25th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@samsneed12 @talkie_tim “Messages” confused the hell out of me the first time I saw it (in a @Beathhigh novel, as I recall.)

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@talkie_tim @samsneed12 Joking aside, it’s a useful distinction for me, as my GTD contexts are basically “at home” and “out shopping”.

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@samsneed12 @talkie_tim That’s the way I had them on the list, the last time I repointed my chimney with milk.

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@talkie_tim My feeling is that an errand specifically requires you to *go* somewhere.

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When you have a lot to do, the first, most important task is to procrastinate by buying

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Also: BHS? Bugger. I’d only just started buying my socks there.

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GreenBenali I don’t think that’s the reason Dean

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@corylus Given what I heard about Gas, all it would have to do is actually *try*…

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Got my first real six-string
Bought it at the five-and-dime
Played it till my fingers hurt quite a bit, actually

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