Toned. pic.twitter.com/Uk4IFQHGyo

Well, that was like pulling bloody teeth today. instagram.com/p/BD_mzmTJCwP/

Skills improving. pic.twitter.com/Tt6ozmT1HJ
@Bufty_Grifter Coolerama. I’d really like a set, but haven’t quite justified it to myself yet.
@CharlieEsq_ In my defence, though, I was mostly in Bedminster at the time.
@CharlieEsq_ I am *so* connected with all of my communities. *Wanders off, head in clouds*
@CharlieEsq_ Only just found out about this and then a Twitter search shows I should have been paying more attention!
@Phooto Some of the UK banking industry still has core systems working in pounds, shillings and pence. I’m not sticking my finger in there!

@Phooto Ah, no, I see! No, I mean these bloody things, which many banks helpfully just call a “card reader”. pic.twitter.com/6o0tIeDWU6
@RevRichardColes From the looks of him, I’m guessing Repin wasn’t necessarily a slow worker.
@shezza_t It’s the backs of a couple of cafes and some other odd shops. (These; snap taken from alley to Arcade goo.gl/maps/3uQ6QGAzg… )

Last RT: When the FBI use the phrase “cyber actors”, there’s only one picture in my mind. pic.twitter.com/hPxe40yt3k
normative Gosh, good thing they didn’t have any developer-authenticated security circumvention tools to steal. threatpost.com/fbi-quietly-ad…
*Siri Beep* “Do you mean ‘CREATININE’?”
*Throws phone at wall*
*Distant Siri Beep* “‘CROCHETING’?”
@wainwrightsbrew Thanks! flic.kr/p/FY8JiY :)
@samsneed12 @chubbybannister Have also heard good things about Playground on St. Nicholas Street, but not tried it myself.
@samsneed12 @chubbybannister For reliable and excellent, near(ish) there, I’d go for Small Street Espresso.
@samsneed12 @chubbybannister That’s just how I find it, and I never got used to it. But my friend Tara loves it & buys their beans for home.
@samsneed12 @chubbybannister There is something about their particular bean + roast that’s very distinctive, and quite love/hate.
@Kavey I have better shots; I always take a few when I’m trying to grab a bit of human interest in the background.

Sometimes, simple is better. #hamandcheesetoastie pic.twitter.com/iAQ6bAxyIW

Apple’s cloud services, as informative and helpful as ever..pic.twitter.com/6Hc6aRhtiEiE
@BabsBat What was that swooshing noise? It sounded like a typo being swept under the carpet. *looks suspicious*
@chubbybannister @samsneed12 …not that there’s anything wrong with that; I just wish they’d have a subtler guest on, or something.
@chubbybannister @samsneed12 Heavy, in-your-face, cut-through-milk strength, as much coffee was in the first wave of better British coffee.
@Hit_Delete Lovely, isn’t it? Twelve and Amoeba have gardens back there. This view is from the little alleyway entrance to rear of Arcade.
@samsneed12 @chubbybannister *Butts in* Their coffee is quite old-school. I completely love the place though, and their teas are excellent.

I’ve always loved the little secret gardens between Clifton Arcade and King’s Road #bristol pic.twitter.com/HJRgh2Ma0S

Yeah. I might use one of the other photos on the cafe signs blog. pic.twitter.com/ARuOqod2DF
@spyou It’s not just @Lloydbanks — seen the same for at least three others, with different branding. They’ve standardised on customer pain.
@Phooto Let me guess—I just have to change banks to get one.

Settling in at Wainwright’s and they just started playing _Kind of Blue_. Good sign. @..instagram.com/p/BD-lsxgJC-W/kN

theunderfall Who is going to join us for @underfallpickle’s first day? Om nom nom. @iBristolPeople @bristol247 @VisitBristol pic.twitter.com/6thRnrbMNZ
Bank card readers. With a screwed in battery cover and 4 x LR44s for power. “What’s the *most* inconvenient we can make it for a customer?”
@chubbybannister Use the web, Luke.

petapixel Phil Collins reshot all his original album covers for the 2016 reissues: goo.gl/OauPmz pic.twitter.com/u4pHJSnBn1