travelwestEng Park St inbound blocked. Severe delays #twTraffic #Bristol PCM
@bexxi Not continuously, but continually :)
@bexxi With *this* hail, that might not be enough.
@bexxi *Narrows eyes* *Rescues hailed-on laundry from washing line*
@AndyGilder @MittenDAmour Does that make it the vaping of fashion?

Okay, I now see why people outside were screaming. Those are *not* small hailstones.

@benjohnbarnes My favourite bit is showing the alarm time.
Feeling somewhat smug about my decision to go for a *morning* walk, hearing the thunder, hail and actual screams from outside now. #bristol
@foxc It actually hailed on me today. You may want to hold off a week.

I wonder what the oldest #dadjoke is?
@B247Martin Yeah, as long as I have an internet connection and Google’s not down, I can remember anything :D
@B247Martin It was HMS Quorn (I kid you not) that I was remembering.… I was right about it being Tupperware, though!
📷 In the last six months, someone’s really taken the P at the Brass Pig.

I might actually have to pull together an exhibition of my “does the camera have a card in?” shots.
@ahnlak There’s *click* no *click* way *click* my *click* subconscious *click* would *click* do *click* that. *Sound of deliveryman at door*
@CharlieEsq_ Ah, you’re playing British Roulette. Good luck.
@danbarker I had to look up Austin Reed to find out what they did, so not to me, I guess…

So I’m guessing there’s a virus out there spreading itself by pretending to be an Amazon invoice?

I should live in Salt.
Job opening there, @GreatGeorgeWMB…
Ah, Spring in England. The falling white blossom… FUCK. That would be hail.

I SURRENDER!!! #bristol
@waiyeehong @porthjess It was certainly he who sprang to mind.
@mockingbirdAlma Have you moved latitudes? *shivers* *pulls coat closer around self*

They’ve left the keys in! Quick! #catheist #igersbristol
porthjess Nestlé. Tesco. The awful harbourside busker dude.…

Um. Wouldn’t distilling spring water remove most of the point?
*Invests in Yodel shares*
So I buy socks from BHS and they immediately go under. Bought an Activité and Nokia buy Withings. What company should I wreck next?
@charlesarthur Oh gawd. I just bought an Activité, too. Hard to see this as a good sign.

verge Nokia is buying digital health firm Withings for $191 million…