My favourite image in this year’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year is Tom Kennedy’s “Smoke Bath”. I do love a corvid. On at @mshedbristol until 24th Feb.…
tweethue Currently we are having an issue with remote connectivity (Out of Home, voice commands), and we’re working hard to resolve it ASAP. Your local connection via Wi-Fi is not affected by this. We’ll keep you posted!
Scott_Helme When a lack of automated certificate renewal costs you £100,000,000 ($130,000,000 USD)! 😮…
@genericgaystuff @ChristinaMcMc Hey, if it went where you wanted, it wouldn’t be Microsoft Word-compatible.
@philwithadrill *imagines what the A-team would fashion from this raw material*

thenib We found him, the smartest person on Earth. 🖋 by @Lubchansky
@BereftStatistic @ormondroyd @openspacer I am now imagining Brexit being delivered by a juggling clown on a unicycle wearing a large cuboid backpack.

MissPiggy New Year, New Moi? HA!! As if. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, sweetie.
@Dru_Marland Even if it’s not, it’s going to be satisfying. Now excuse me, I’m going to use my Leuchtturm and fountain pen to write something which I’m *certain* will improve my efficiency. *Coos gently with sensory pleasure*
@adambanksdotcom @chrisphin The original looks pretty light on Getty.…

beardedjourno First Bus is running a Saturday service this week. You didn’t know? Me neither. They put the information on their website on Christmas Eve.