doodlebeth The new wedding shop in town has a wheelchair using mannequin and it shouldn’t be exciting but it’s the first time I’ve ever seen disability portrayed in a shop window. pic.twitter.com/N5sco2fLJf
@Avon_Stories @saltwateritch @porthjess @thefionagilmour Smart! I had no idea the Instagram website allowed uploads, even from mobile devices.
@saltwateritch @porthjess @Avon_Stories @thefionagilmour Sorry, tried a Mac one a few times but it couldn’t keep up with Instagram’s new features. Always going to be tough writing a good app for a platform that deliberately doesn’t support posting from third-party apps :(
_pigeons_ Huge thanks to @gothick for taking me to see the @UkStarlings murmuration at @RSPBHamWall last Friday.
Photos taken with the “wrong” cameras - DSLR 50mm, & my XA2 point&shoot (no zoom, 400iso film)