nick_kapur Something incredible is happening on reddit. I’m tempted to say these people have way too much time, but this is legit amazing. #RecursionFTW pic.twitter.com/mr8jHjTbnV

@hayles Say, have you done a Brexit tat survey like your Royal Wedding tat one? pic.twitter.com/gcS1iWMNle
OpinionatedGeek You know what I want? A fucking LED tax. If someone wants to put an LED in a device, make it cost an extra five quid. Five quid for each LED should stop the fuckers putting fucking LEDs in every fucking thing.

@OpinionatedGeek Me, turning on my multi-port USB charger at night. pic.twitter.com/8NcnABFO27

East-facing lounge FTW on a day like this. pic.twitter.com/ZjWoweQvf3