Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 3rd, 2020

gemmacorrell and they never get their periods either

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:41 PM, Sep 3rd, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

@Bristolvor @netflix On the Fire TV app if I navigate to the left-hand menu and choose TV Programmes then the top ten list is about seven rows down. It’ll be different per version of the app, though, I imagine.

via Twitter Web App in reply to Bristolvor

@Bristolvor @netflix And thank you for reminding me that I was looking for this the other day :)…

via Twitter Web App in reply to gothick

@Bristolvor @netflix You have to navigate to the Series page, not the home page.

via Twitter Web App in reply to Bristolvor

jil_slander Still not over the fact that when I got my prosthetic legs they were like “do you want to be taller” and I was like “ya” and then they made me 2 inches taller. You wish you were me

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:11 PM, Sep 3rd, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

@AthanSpod Good point! Gonna put a commented out version in the chef template for my site config so the next time I need it it’s there 🤪

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to AthanSpod

@AthanSpod Hopefully I’ve saved you some pain! I only found out about either option on Tuesday, because all the existing ServerFault answers tell you to do exactly the same thing, of course…

via Twitter Web App in reply to AthanSpod

@AthanSpod I also managed to shoot myself royally in the foot by the complete coincidence of one of my two daily chef-client runs restoring the site config file to its nice, clean free-of-rewrite tracing state halfway through my debugging, which was an extra joy to figure out!

via Twitter Web App in reply to AthanSpod

@AthanSpod Except, as I found out the long way round earlier this week, that’s been superseded by e.g. rewrite:trace3 on the LogLevel option, and comes out in the normal log file now. Grr!

via Twitter Web App in reply to AthanSpod

@sql_williamd Does “Resolve-DnsName -Name CNAME2” in PowerShell tell you anything enlightening? Personally I’d be quite baffled how the one with the port works if the one without it doesn’t…

via Twitter Web App in reply to sql_williamd

For me it’s Apache rewrite rules. A CS degree and 39 years’ programming experience and I’m still JUST GODDAMN WORK WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME *MORE RANDOM TYPING GOOGLING AND RELOADING*…

via Twitter Web App

(In fact, a bug report leading to someone else making a one-character change, as they were faster fixing the problem than I was putting a pull request together 😅)

via Twitter Web App in reply to gothick

Aww. Got a namecheck in the WordPress 5.5.1 release notes :D… (For literally my smallest contribution to an open source project: a one-character change!)

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