MikeOkuda Never forget: On this day (September 13) in 1999, a nuclear explosion knocked the moon out of orbit, sending it careening across the galaxy, into improbable plots. Nevertheless, I love the look of the show, especially their Eagle spacecraft. pic.twitter.com/F4QfbYHqDn

@shezza_t Well, it certainly looks it from the photos, but I was too distracted by all the decoration that I didn’t actually think too hard about the tree itself! pic.twitter.com/Q6uQJb3bbZ
@SofieHagen Fuck me, who didn’t put “find the kettle” top of that list?
JonathanLHoward The White Strops. twitter.com/MWatts3376/sta…
@danbarker I actually had one of those last night. I did not spot the aptness at the time.

danbarker Useful: M&S now printing the name of each product’s target market directly on the packaging. pic.twitter.com/yM9jv8ubNE
zsk I loved putting this together. Thanks to all who shared their amazing homegrown office spaces, sorry I couldn’t fit them all in, there’s a series in this…!

Ahh, but is it art? pic.twitter.com/8hh3ETlnm1

Trickle pic.twitter.com/QwN8eecO8d

Wishing tree. pic.twitter.com/jdGimhZY24