librarythingtim Librarian or not? Should public libraries buy or not buy books that contain political misinformation? Assume they otherwise meet selection criteria.
@johnfbraun Thanks!

mainframed767 I will let out a bit of a secret.
I have been running a full IBM System/370 Mainframe on a $20 Raspberry Pi Zero for ~5 months.
Thousands of lines of COBOL and HLASM running flawless.
Tested an entire bank’s mainframe COBOL on it.
I don’t care if it’s a cliché as long as it’s a tasty cliché.…
@ahnlak Well, it does have the advantage that it could replace my current 32” non-4K TV once I stop working from home…
@ahnlak It’s a cheap and cheerful (but only 19”) AOC I’m replacing. No idea what hardware’s in the work laptop, but it drives two big displays at work over a single USB-C connection, so presumably it’ll have the oomph for one 4K monitor…

sjvn Oh, come on Wikipedia! This was perfect!
RealSexyCyborg Pregnancy tests are 99% accurate in the lab, 75% accurate in the wild due to misreads- mistakes which are highly dependant on education and socioeconomic status. No, it is not stupid or wasteful to use a hardware interface to help women with this.…
@ahnlak No, because what I want isn’t pure real estate, it’s also something that doesn’t make my eyes fucking bleed with the lego-brick size pixels, dimness and awful colour rendition now I’ve been completely spoiled by this 27” 5K Retina iMac…
@robsmallshire Ta! While I’d love an LG Ultrafine, I think it may be a little out of the price range. I’d definitely consider one if I were replacing my (lovely) Retina iMac with something that needed an external monitor, but I think I need to go cheaper for the (temporary!?) WFH setup.
@julienbob Heh. I think that might actually be larger than my TV.
@gigatexal Ta.
@iamtheshunt1 Ta!
Any recommendations for 4K monitors that don’t cost the earth? This will probably be my next “make WFH suck less” upgrade.
Damn it. 31 minutes for the Times cryptic this morning means I *just* missed out on an entire sub-half-hour week. #cruciverbalist