Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 21st, 2020

When you can’t upgrade Xcode because there’s only 56GB free on your MacBook.

via Twitter Web App

PaulAnnett Another custom “like” animation, this time for any tweet with the hashtag.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 9:53 PM, Sep 21st, 2020 via Twitter for iPhone)

@theword_forge I’m similarly irritated when people write “breath” when they mean “breathe”, but on balance, that one may come second to “discrete”/”discreet”.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to theword_forge

aerosubaru 訃報




via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:57 PM, Sep 21st, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

Shonette Has anyone got a specific house/flat in Bristol that they want to live in? For me it’s the one at the end of Poole’s Wharf with a balcony ☀️

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:28 PM, Sep 21st, 2020 via Twitter for iPhone)

ilCaffeNero i pray my friends get through the battles that they don’t tell me about

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:51 PM, Sep 21st, 2020 via Twitter for iPhone)

Benched (Twitter gets a bonus extra picture of a pretty letterbox, for no particular reason.)…

via Twitter Web App

joeheenan We need a track & trace system for our Prime Minister

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:24 AM, Sep 21st, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

RandiFoorDalton My notes after a yearly wellness exam are like “Obese 30 year old obese female who works as an obese librarian. Patient exercises obese-ly three times a week, eats two cups of obese vegetables per day and has no other health conditions. 📝 Notes for patient: Obese.”

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:28 AM, Sep 21st, 2020 via Twitter for iPhone)

@unamccormack @_pigeons_ The Reluctant Widow. My first one. (Heyer is specifically recommended by the unofficial Times Crossword club I hang out in for beefing up one’s vocab. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to don my pelisse and head out to the barouche…)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to unamccormack

I have finished the Georgette Heyer (thanks @_pigeons_ !) and the latest Interzone has arrived so I may be heading forward rather than backwards in time next…

via Twitter for iPhone

johngirvin So, yeah, I deployed my blog on Kubernetes.…

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 8:08 AM, Sep 21st, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

Avon_Stories I love the foggy mornings

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:07 AM, Sep 21st, 2020 via Twitter Web App)