suiidolo how it feels to listen to podcasts pic.twitter.com/x62geMJlS3
*Slams crozier into the ground* *Levers Earth asunder, separating Bath and Wells for eternity* twitter.com/DrJACameron/st…

lproven Risc OS Direct from @RISCOSDevLtd on a @Raspberry_Pi 3B… Partly for fun, partly for @gotimmy. pic.twitter.com/EjQcnlYlee

AnumQaisarJaved Best thing about being Scottish-Pakistani? Samosas and Irn Bru for lunch 😋 pic.twitter.com/sDUw13p1QY

OH NOES!!!1!!!! pic.twitter.com/X4RQnrwB3M

A Little Rusty. pic.twitter.com/cYerEZnO3h

Divided We Stand. pic.twitter.com/0ikepEO62e

Reading glasses. pic.twitter.com/u408QBEIJO