Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 18th, 2020

Before/after. An teensy upgrade to the work-from-home monitor. (With thanks to my parents for their generous contribution to the upgrade fund!)

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@shezza_t Well, first world problems and all. And I wouldn’t fancy being a delivery person right now.

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@shezza_t Sadly no sign. (I don’t particularly mind it being a day or two late, but it’s lovely weather at the moment and I’d quite like to go outside again at some point without fear of it arriving the second I do…)

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BobbyF1scher @chinbeard I give you the world’s cutest & coolest Nazi hunter.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:44 PM, Sep 18th, 2020 via Twitter for iPad)

janinegibson HUGE SCOOP TikTok to be banned from US app stores from Sunday cc ⁦@MalcolmMoore

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:39 PM, Sep 18th, 2020 via Twitter for iPad)

I am spending my lunchtime reclining on a couch reading a Regency romance be Georgette Heyer. About the only thing spoiling my period image is the can of Irn Bru 😂

via Twitter for iPhone

yumhoneyblood Incredibly honoured to say that my 3rd record ‘In Plain Sight’ has been nominated for Scottish Album Of The Year @SAYaward 2020💥 @marathonartists @congletonjohn! 😘 Congrats to all the other albums nominated + Scotland for our astounding musical output!

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:13 PM, Sep 18th, 2020 via Twitter for iPad)

Mmmm. Brie and mango chutney sandwich.

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soapachu There’s always that one friend in the group pic…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:17 AM, Sep 18th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

@waynedixon @danielpunkass That’s the reason I’m still on the UK equivalent. Streaming only seem to be there for about 50% of things I want to see; with DVD it’s more like 99%…

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