page_eco Brilliant:
When the euro bank notes were designed, they used European-style bridges which were *non-existing*, not to have to choose between countries.
The Dutch town of Spijkenisse claimed them all for the Netherlands by building them on a waterway. pic.twitter.com/rnanSlIgEg
@jukesie Smile Time is worth watching the entire fucking rest of Angel for.

Sign of the times. #PhotoADay
gothick.org.uk/2020/09/25/sig… pic.twitter.com/w98sF6zjna
@Chino100percent I think it may have been misaddressed! I have it here. Can you DM me? I’ll let you know where I am and we can figure out how to get this parcel to you.
@Chino100percent Say, are you missing a parcel from Weleda Ltd?

*Sings an upbeat scat version of the Imperial March while walking past* pic.twitter.com/VVRNMejkUa

@jr_carpenter By random chance, I saw this post on Nextdoor just yesterday. pic.twitter.com/kTkBEAt69l

SimpleLampoon Anything less than 7 layers will now be a disappointment.
@GranoKitchen lasagne at Number Fifty, Bristol. pic.twitter.com/kfOYTdEHTG

StarTrek Get ready to discover the future ✨
#StarTrekDiscovery #StarTrek bit.ly/TrekDiscoveryS… pic.twitter.com/bEhxnh0lLe