Of course, I will probably regret this choice when I try to import my music into whatever system comes along next…

Listening to 1995’s _Love the Sky to Death_, I idly realise that computers have now advanced to the stage where they can decently handle the track listing. #sunshineblind pic.twitter.com/QDj6fOMm8N

them_apples It’s quite dark these days, isn’t it? Here’s one of the best 15 seconds of TV ever pic.twitter.com/LNlfI2BtHT
DailyHMHBLyrics Someone get a message through to Captain Snort
That they’d better start assembling the boys from the fort
And keep Mrs Honeyman right out of sight
‘Cos there’s gonna be a riot down in Trumpton tonight

jaredpalmer Baby pangolins look like they are about to nervously post a question on StackOverflow pic.twitter.com/3Jkca7usZd