Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 12th, 2020

babyscrambles just seen someone refer to the pandemic as the panny d and it’s ruined my fucking week before it’s even hit 12 on monday

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:09 PM, Oct 12th, 2020 via Twitter for iPhone)

LLW902 bath tubs should be sized so people over 5’8” can relax with both their knees and back underwater, why are tubs still manufactured for the napoleonic era

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:09 PM, Oct 12th, 2020 via Twitter for iPhone)

@mcelhearn @Illuminations I’d say it probably faded away as a cultural icon in my youth (I’m 47, so 14 years behind Robert Smith) so it’s not surprising it’s slipped under your radar.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mcelhearn

@mcelhearn @Illuminations I’ve always assumed it was. Play for Today was a very well-known show.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mcelhearn

craigmod Did you know you can make QR code that will connect someone to a wifi network and input the password automatically? It’s the single best use of QRs I’ve ever seen. And yet, I never see it in use.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 7:04 AM, Oct 12th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)