EricaFails I just want an elaborate escape room where you play as Bertram Wooster trying to extricate himself from Madeline Basset. Jeeves is on holiday and you can only phone him three times for clues. It lasts a weekend.…
ayushguptaaa Doctor: Your body has ran out of magnesium.
Me: 0mg
Speaking of which: Saturday Sessions: Julien Baker performs “Televangelist” via @YouTube
I shall enjoy singing along with @julienrbaker’s _Televangelist_ even more now I know the word is as old as I am…
Affluenza, autoerotic asphyxiation, crumple zone, detox, diskette, fact-check, hyperdrive, magstripe, quango, refusenik, sea monkey, soccer mom, space cadet, super-spreader, televangelist, video game. (via @hayles)…
Ocado substituted a different brand of organic spinach and my robot vacuum is pushing my smart scale around the bathroom. I’ve not had first-world problems this bad since the time that swan spat in my salsa.
I was feeling a bit forlorn when starting today’s work-from-home session, but now I have @yumhoneyblood on shuffle and things are looking up.

porthjess Morning Bristol, you beautiful thing. ♥️

VolleyBaws If only we could have seen this coming

HartsBakery Competition Time!
Win a Breakfast Box & Coffee for two, courtesy of Hart’s Bakery & @extractcoffee coffee
We’ve teamed up with @extractcoffee to offer one winner a Breakfast Box, featuring pastries, a fresh loaf of sourdough bread, homemade jam & 2 bags of @extractcoffee
@unfortunatalie I did used to consistently get out of the side I tend to sleep on (maybe to unconsciously avoid “getting out of the wrong side of bed”) even though it’s the other side from my en suite. These days I just roll out of whatever side’s easiest.