Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 17th, 2020

@unfortunatalie I did at least manage the walk (by dint of it being pre-arranged and involving other people) but I’ve felt exactly like that since I got back in at about 10:30. Sigh.

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jackfifield The closure of Queen Square to through-traffic at the turn of the century was a ridiculous experiment causing traffic chaos and all the traders to leave the now desolate city – as these letters in the Bristol Post predicted. Time to reopen to cars and get back to the 21st

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t0m_deSilv4 4 years ago I was doing trollies at Sainsburys on a Monday night. I left, worked hard and got a degree from the University of Sheffield. Now I’m doing trollies at Waitrose on a Friday night. Never give up 💫💯💎🛒

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:25 PM, Oct 17th, 2020 via Twitter for iPhone)

Jenn Schiffer, Engineer/Artist - XOXO Festival (2016) via @YouTube 😂

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HrishiHirway A request to anyone who has enjoyed Song Exploder on Netflix: it would be especially great if you watched *all four* of the episodes. Not just because I think they’re all interesting and worth watching, but also because it matters a lot in determining the fate of the show! 🙏🏾

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One last shot from the round-the-harbour wander. WET PAINT

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@bexxi Thanks! Bit lucky, I was at full stretch with the camera over my head to snap over the top of the gunwale…

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@ovationchris It’s probably bad luck, or something…

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I was snapping Holy Trinity’s spire mostly as a silent tribute to the currently-silent bell, but I managed to snap it at exactly 10:10, pleasingly, that being the traditional time used in watch and clock photography……

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@richard_littler Everything by John Brunner, and I also second “The Death of Grass”

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