@saltwateritch @iamtheshunt1 @amias Glad they stopped that gif before the complete elephant impression.
AndyGilder So if Boris sees his shadow have we got another four weeks of lockdown?
@amias @saltwateritch Top bit’s a TL Audio Ivory 2 5052. soundonsound.com/reviews/tl-aud….
@iamtheshunt1 @amias @saltwateritch So many twiddlable knobs, so little time…
@psidnell You know, I think you may be right.

200m apart pic.twitter.com/ePCCfcAwCo

Infrastructure pic.twitter.com/QdGlu5NyTZ

Hisstol. pic.twitter.com/KPm7cADRwh
StanCarey Publisher: We need covers that convey the enduring appeal, the undisputed *magnificence*, of these great works of literature.
Designer: Got it.
Reader: WTAF
@dangusset @_pigeons_ (Coming from Hotwells, you get here, follow the sign through the underpass and reach an unsigned fork that seem to lead either back the way you came or just to a gap in the railings at four lanes of fast-moving traffic.)

@dangusset (Yesterday was my fifth or sixth attempt in the last 20 years to figure out how you actually follow this sign to either the park or North Street. You or @_pigeons_ might actually have to help me figure it out at some point…) pic.twitter.com/YqqfLmwiC5
@dangusset That’s the one. I didn’t know it was there until yesterday! Didn’t notice a garage, but I was only on the park side.