NetflixUK Now this is a story all about how…
@lilydoughball If there isn’t, you may be able to solve the problem by moving to a more middle-class area.
@lilydoughball It is acceptable as long as you don’t currently have easy access to toasted pitta bread.
@AlasdairStuart @ChineseRoom *sigh* Naomi.
Sorry. As you were.
@benhorsleyco Congratulations. I’ll have the Brotherhood send along your pipe and slippers.

Hamburg Demonstrations -…
@griffinkate Hah! In proper Greek they’d be pronounced “me”, but the rest of the world says “mew”, just like a cat ;)
@domwakeling Yeah. Twice last month! Bloody thing.
iCloud. Like a sync service, but with more rebooting.
@RecDiffs “By all means, have a multiverse.” #showtitleinanalternativeuniverse