#AliensFirstComments “So, er, what’s the WiFi password?”

A skull and crossbones and the eye of Horus. The tattooist was young but experienced. pic.twitter.com/BeoVU8zfUc

Nexo Knights. ift.tt/2ib64Es pic.twitter.com/bqD8j7sxR1

Pictionary time. pic.twitter.com/m5lC8dZbUT

newsthump NEWS! Rogue One release sees Peter Cushing declared fit for work by DWP bit.ly/2hZojzi pic.twitter.com/AvcpJYWvt4
@talithahg Your unconscious is Rickrolling you. This is extreme.
@Phooto Yur. Though this is just a plain old mode switch, so it’s entirely for tidiness here.