Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 20th, 2016

@porthjess It may be just me jumping to conclusions (see @archidave) But I can never work out what the actual plans are from the websites.

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@archidave They’re temporarily burying the rail tracks!? It didn’t seem an unreasonable conclusion to jump to that this was decommissioning.

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End of the line. Shame, I used to like being passed by the occasional steam train on the Chocolate Path.

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@skeddy @hayles Do not impugn the name of Ivan. He DELIVERED.

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@dcorsetto “This year, to save me from tears, I’m packing the rope and duct tape…”

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So here it is, Merry Christmas… (Thank you, Ivan!)

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@skeddy @hayles He seems to have the look of a man determined to deliver a parcel on time no matter what, which works for me.

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travelwestEng Cabot Circus Carpark CLOSED due to car fire. Emergency services on site. Caution as smoke obscuring visability BE

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