@GreatGeorgeWMB Bongsoir.
@OpinionatedGeek I think that’s where they were in Woolies!
@OpinionatedGeek Ah. The only other places I ever bought them were Amazon, Maplin, and (RIP) Woolworths. Hope you find some!

@jukesie @chubbybannister it’s important to pay attention to the four major Christmas food groups. pic.twitter.com/JMvqyuLPBx
@OpinionatedGeek When I had a fuse box that had fuses, I got them aplenty in the local ironmongers.
@chubbybannister I know the feeling. *Pours another sherry regardless*

Love the way the fridge in @TincanCoffeeCo’s new Clare St. branch is made up as a Citroen H van :D #bristol pic.twitter.com/m7AXdcjAtV
@ahnlak If you get a chance to try Millionaire—Wild Beer’s salted caramel stout—I suggest you do.

Ba-dum *tish* pic.twitter.com/M2vkkuhU7K