Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 6th, 2016

ismh I miss Mac OS X’s Welcome Videos.…

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I wonder if Amazon are trying to prepare me for a premium “Amazon Even Primer” subscription where things are never sent by Amazon Logistics.

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wallaceme I don’t like his songs much, either, but this is a bit far.

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transdiffusion Peter Vaughan, who appeared in *everything*, has died at the age of 93.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:01 PM, Dec 6th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Hrm. The Anova sous vide thing is being offered for £99 at the mo. On the other hand, do I really need yet another hobby?

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@Harkaway Hang on. You mean the *actual* Avengers, don’t you? *Rushes to Fire TV Stick*

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@teabass Not a lot, no. But my memory for it happening is too rubbish to quantify it retrospectively.

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@toddmotto Fab! I have the mug version of those; great for stopping condensation on your iced coffee in summer!

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What’s that? Sorry, you’ll have to speak up.

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On the plus side, I don’t need the heating on.…

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@benjohnbarnes Sine, triangle and square wave generator. The board’s from a kit, but I’m enjoying my bygone-era boxing spaciousness.

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@benjohnbarnes I’m sure there are some—I just don’t want to look in case I get tempted!

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Might be going overboard on the SAD lamps, to be honest.

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@benjohnbarnes (Note though that it *does* actually have an RS232 port on it, so you could connect it to a computer. In 1995.)

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@benjohnbarnes I built that bugger myself from a kit. It took Quite A Long Time. I’m sure there are better modern options!

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I used to be quite a tidy worker. But these days there’s probably just an iOS signal generator app I could use…tJ

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