CNBC BREAKING: Yahoo discloses hack that may affect “more than one billion user accounts”, “likely distinct” from hack disclosed on Sept 22, 2016
@bexxi @richardjfoster I’m starting to think it’s the best option over here, too!

One Man and his Dog #bristol @_pigeons_

doctorow The Post Office Tower London: The ultimate in British sci-fi architecture early 60s…
@nineweeks @_pigeons_ Not that we saw :( We found some in Bordeaux Quay but they had flies on which but us off!
So few places in #Bristol seem to do mince pies! Sitting with @_pigeons_ in @wshed idly wondering if @HartsBakery deliver tiny batches.
@Harkaway You appear to be describing Hudson Hawk, so I guess I’m in :D
TheRegister Busted Microsoft software update blamed for breaking Brits’ DHCP