scorpioattackb7 Great shot of Paul Darrow and Gareth Thomas having a chat between takes. #Blakes7 #Blake pic.twitter.com/53v8Y8jcUu

Solstice. #avebury ift.tt/2hWTye3 pic.twitter.com/Q88QF5J8pH
@stubbornella Oof. *sympathy*
Possibly the saddest moment of Blake’s 7. twitter.com/scorpioattackb…
@KBowBristol Wow! I’ve been being patriotic all month without knowing it 😀
@stubbornella No matter what you do, there’s always something. Sometimes TWO YEARS LATER.
@scorpioattackb7 Personal trivia: the Warwick Uni SF Society was once ejected from the Arts Centre bar for a full-volume “Maximum Power!”

Sol Invictus. pic.twitter.com/7pQzHYnfPR

Children of the Stones #avebury #solstice pic.twitter.com/M1h786z52p
Ah, so the railway tracks may be being (temporarily) covered because the Chocolate Path is falling into the river..twitter.com/rbrwr/status/8…jP
@rbrwr “Urged to take care”? Well, I wasn’t planning on jumping up and down…

iFixit How ugly is 0/10 repairability? It looks like this: ifixit.com/Teardown/AirPo… pic.twitter.com/1axfOUywuD