@doctorow Chekhov was right. All I can think about is those guns on the wall. I think the next couple of scenes are going to be terrifying.
@FozzTexx Is *that* why!? I’d been assuming it was just the normal “we hate our customers and actively seek to hurt them” reason.

SwedishCanary I made a Caesar salad for dinner tonight… pic.twitter.com/Hi9SFQjbom
@Bristolvor How are the AirPods? Finding mine so annoyingly audio-glitchy I’m thinking of sending them back…
@chubbybannister Surely the last thing Jennifer needs reminding of after the scene in the kitchen.

Mr_Mike_Clarke I speak no other language than English and yet I’m pretty sure there’s something not right here. pic.twitter.com/mGwXamEcVS

gothick Oh, Avon. pic.twitter.com/NY1BCLkqIl

Omega Constellation - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/03/05/ome… pic.twitter.com/IJ0mzm1qxE