Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 14th, 2017

This Is Why Your Car Makes That Weird Whining Sound In Reverse… via @Jalopnik

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Got an email from @BHAhumanists about an important letter they’re sending me. This does make me doubt the existence of supreme intelligence…

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Astounding design. I’ve been seeing them for years, but the ugly never wears off. Like a fresh cup of sick every…pO

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“Hey, everyone seems to be excited about wireless charging!”
“Well, we can do that……Ne

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kurioso Algunas estaciones del metro de Londres son cortas… tan cortas que tardas menos corriendo (pero tienes que…FK

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:31 AM, Mar 14th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@ahnlak Having worked for many large financial firms, it surprises me not one iota, sadly.

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On a re-read, Paul Johnston’s dystopian Dalrymple novels about corruption in an indie Edinburgh make me want to emigrate there while I can.

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This morning’s : One coffee: not enough. Two coffees: OH MY GOD THE WORLD THE BEAUTIFUL WORLD IT’S TOO MUCH HYPERVENTILA—

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Presumably this is the modern version of teaching your granny to suck eggs.…

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@ahnlak (Which is less well-written, but I’ve bookmarked just so I can point companies at it in the (possibly-vain) hope of a re-think.)

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@ahnlak (The NCSC has recently been doing a grand job of writing advice that you can point idiots at, btw)…

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@ahnlak I find it a very useful indicator of which sites one probably shouldn’t trust with sensitive data.

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@BristolBites What *is* is about some locations that encourages bland disappointment? Is it just the size of the place?

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