The slow emergence continues. pic.twitter.com/6XxEJaPzJC

I’m always a bit baffled when random passing strangers ask you to take their photo when th..ift.tt/2nND2Qy3pic.twitter.com/IT2ClFiCLsLs

From Vauxhall Bridge - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/03/24/fro… pic.twitter.com/DYYl6N0mav

Hannah_Bevis1 In cute cat news, my mom put up an Easter decal on our front door and it makes Gigi look like a Dr. Seuss character. pic.twitter.com/357mnLXh9A

Tip for the Daily Mail. pic.twitter.com/yHSZpgHUxu
@chubbybannister Stabbing’s okay if you get sponsorship first.