@Juggzy I thought season 1 was good, but not as good as the film. Now they don’t have any comparisons to be held to.
Oh my God. Why didn’t you lot tell me that Fargo season 2 was astounding? (Quietly:) Oh. Yeah. You did, didn’t you?

This beer is called The Men Who Stare At Oats. instagram.com/p/BRWNKoMhsyH/
@labfoo Oh! Didn’t realise. Replacing the SSD in my Air was my last experience. The annoying march of thinness-above-all-else, I suppose. 🙄

This apostrophe is inauthentic. pic.twitter.com/icjgz3b9JE

This apostrophe is inauthentic. pic.twitter.com/9lvzslUFRp
@labfoo At least if they just replace the logic board everything will be back to exactly how it was.
@labfoo Woah. Presumably they’re giving you a new one?
Why yes, my day *would* be going better if @clipperteas had remembered to put perforations between their teabags. W..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…0y

Sproing. pic.twitter.com/T9h895e5Dl
@adambanksdotcom @mcelhearn …which are, of course, called “public schools” in the U.K#notconfusingatallll
@Padraig It’s dead handy if you forget your wallet. Only time I’ve used it.