I was already enjoying Elementary and then Walter Bishop *and* Chrisjen Avasarala turned up ;)
@Bristolvor 😁🥃
@chubbybannister Oh! Website says reopening on 20th. Well, maybe they timed it okay, considering it seems to be winter again :)
@chubbybannister No clue whatever. Was open last time I walked past. Might wander down tomorrow and see.
@salihughes I also had no idea this was A Thing. Wow. independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-n… Also, last par: what other sector wou..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…nl

SlutteryHQ Holy crap, The Secret of NIMH is on Netflix. pic.twitter.com/k1MCWMiM6z

Saving for later. #whisky pic.twitter.com/wPh6J9rTJn
@shezza_t @Spanglor Still good, as far as I know, but I’ve not been for a while. Fab view for a beer, at the very least!
@shezza_t @Spanglor …Whapping Wharf with excellent food and coffee places on t’harbourside definitely worth a look in general.
@shezza_t @Spanglor Not sure about the sherry. Beer, however, plentiful and excellent. Perhaps try Grain Barge, Sma..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…uy
Remind me, #bristol folk, did a sherry bar open recently? Or is that a figment of my imagination? twitter.com/shezza_t/statu…
@_pigeons_ Is it good? Might try it tomorrow :D
@Bristolvor Tomorrow might well be wild garlic risotto day :D

Wild Garlic Pesto - threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/05/03/wil… pic.twitter.com/CcFgfU3I87
@nice_reminder There was a young Harvey at work
On poetry she never shirked
When coworkers hated
A rhyme that she r..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…I0