“This moment hangs like your ragged hair” #worldgothday
edbott Have we reached Peak Florida Man? twitter.com/NYDailyNews/st…
@liveindetail Shake the Toner #bandnames
@Gary_Bainbridge “I was just cleaning the vicar and he went off.”
@iamdanw I believe it was retro from the day after launch.

@labfoo Ah! I’m not sure I’d dignify it with “flow”. I just used whatever thing was already there that posts Instagram stuff to Twitter.
@labfoo My follow? I don’t follow!

Pollen basket. threesixfive.gothick.org.uk/2017/05/22/pol… en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollen_ba… pic.twitter.com/YgGuwV2ufQ

I have raided the cellar for CDs and dusted off the multiplayer. #worldgothday #partylikeits1991 #fotn pic.twitter.com/FV10jAiwfO
@jukesie Hotel rooms are a never-ending source of examples of things that have been designed by people who never have to use them!
dandouglas Tory Manifesto.docx
Tory Manifesto 2nd Draft.docx
Tory Manifesto FINAL.docx
Tory Manifesto FINAL FINAL.docx
Tory Manifesto FINAL FINAL2.docx
@BristolFerry “Lord Nelson’s got a vote.”
“He’s got a *boat*, Baldrick.”
@shwood Wow. There goes punk. *Learns a chord on stage* *Raises middle finger*
Bad science misled millions with chronic fatigue syndrome. Here’s how we fought back statnews.com/2016/09/21/chr… via @statnews
Now I think The Black Album followed by Phantasmagoria. #worldgothday
My Twitter interests apparently include HaHa and Amazing. (Bafflingly also poker and olympics; I suspect their algo..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…Rf
@librarythingtim No religion for me, though apparently I’m into HaHa and Amazing! Great algorithm at work there, clearly.
@ahnlak I’m going to call up a Professor of Lie-ocology and check.
Is it just me, or does “The Gemological Institute of America” sound like something Bart Simpson made up for a giggl..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…f1
@talkie_tim @hayles HOW TO GET MILLENNIALS TO VOTE: Postal ballots sent on the back of cute pooch postcards.
@daycoder I have a Mini. And I’m not waiting in all sodding day on a weekend!
@daycoder Nah, it was only a day or two the last time. I guess we’ll see this time!
@daycoder Yeah, but if you buy a new one you still have to wait in for the bugger.
Just remembered that it’s apparently #WorldGothDay. This morning’s work will be accompanied by The Cure and Siouxsie.
@talkie_tim Bloody sunshine. Grumble. #worldgothday
@daycoder (It possibly helps that this is through John Lewis, whom I find trustworthy, rather than the manufacturer.)
@daycoder They were good the last time, and it didn’t cost me anything. Working from home is a definite advantage, though.