@RedQueenCoder Huh. I never thought of putting rice in it.

Interesting branding, but I sadly found it better than the beer itself. pic.twitter.com/gQd1UUZj2H

@frozenreeds @Andr6wMale Assange As A Service. Could catch on. pic.twitter.com/lF75mLlsuy

hello_im_nik ‘Shoe-shi’ anyone? 😅 booooooom.com/2017/05/19/sho… pic.twitter.com/B0rru2Ibgj
@ChloeLeePhoto I didn’t. Until you said that. Damn.
@shezza_t Yur. Definitely going to be doing a few things that can’t be seen first!
@shezza_t Oooh! But you’ve just made me think I might be able to fix the wobbly table in the bathroom.
@shezza_t I don’t really have a job in mind but I’ve been meaning to play with some for years.
@deacongusset I have my suspicions about Gyles Brandreth, but I can’t prove anything at the moment.
@OpinionatedGeek Could you trace yours to Stack Overflow? I have got an answer up on SO for that specific error.
I’ve used a many approaches to debugging code over the years, but I don’t think I’ve ever mailed a complete strange..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…u0
Ah. Have we broken our run of good #doctorwho eps?
@OvercastFM Oh! I wondered what was doing that. How on earth did you manage to crash Springboard!?
@emmachampion6 …as it is now I just phone John Lewis up and they send a man round.
@emmachampion6 No. If this had happened in my twenties I’d have been forced to go to a launderette and of course me..twitter.com/i/web/status/8…P5
@jukesie Can’t see that view without expecting Airwolf to emerge from her secret lair.
@emmachampion6 *Sensible five*
That thing where your washing machine packs in and you find you *did* renew the warranty! #winning

Mixed messages. pic.twitter.com/ZE05tQFGKh

Impulse buy. pic.twitter.com/ZFWjaoDwAS
@waiyeehong Maybe I’ll just have a salt and pepper salad.
@waiyeehong Same here. If all this person’s friends probably have Medjool dates lying around, we move in very different circles.
@BabsBat Oh. Well, that’s scuppered *my* plans.
@Kavey I’d wait and see if there’s a society to look back on it before we give it a nostalgic name.
@chubbybannister Poor everyone listening. *cringe*
mathowie I didn’t feel old until I learned I’m older than the concept of ethernet cables twitter.com/bobmetcalfe/st…