quellist1 Novel in which a seasoned spec ops soldier retires to live alone with his dog in a cabin in the mountains - and no-one ever comes to force him back into service, ask him a dangerous favour or otherwise disturb his peaceful solitary existence.
@AthanSpod My third-party RAM pack came supplied with Velcro! Clearly an advanced design 😂
AthanSpod My first computer was a second-hand ZX81, with the add-on 16KB RAM pack (which we quickly learned to use blu-tac with to avoid “RAM pack wobble”) for my 10th birthday.
I upgraded to a ZX Spectrum 48K that Xmas. twitter.com/russty_russ/st…
LucyMcJuicy Apparently the correct answer when asked by husband if you would bang Jason Statham is NOT ‘like a ketchup bottle’.
Every day is a school day.

Wall is sad that the shelf is gone. #facesinthings pic.twitter.com/QzF1JaoXbY
5goalthriller Pancake Day tomorrow, after which I’m going to give up spreadsheets for forty days. It’s going to be excellent.
Excel… lent…
No, you shut up.