@unamccormack I’m just typing CHAPTER ONE and I still might.
@BeatrixHellcock Hah. Now I think there are two films I’m undecided about watching :D
@BeatrixHellcock Oooh, how was Rams? Been thinking about buying it for weeks…
@ukscone E: I honestly don’t know but I bet if I had footage of the last ten sandwiches I’d made it’d be consistent.
We’re going to need a bigger dumpster for this fire.
@CuriousUkTelly BBC 1: The Onedin Line. BBC 2: Edge of Darkness. ITV: The Prisoner. Channel 4: Black Books. And I’m too old to have imprinted on Channel 5 ;)
CuriousUkTelly If you could adopt any British TV theme tune as your own personal theme that played whenever you entered a room, what would it be?
@daycoder @fourfoot “Well, this *would* have been a fully-operational battle station if Kevin had done his TPS report on time…”

Ooh. New arrival from @Peculiar… pic.twitter.com/VCUUYLObhX
Putting “expert in multifaffing” on my CV just as soon as I’ve… twitter.com/willsh/status/…