Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 15th, 2019

@Kavey @petedrinks @waiyeehong *Carefully refrains from encouraging the crazy lady*

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Kavey

I’m not saying this cold is affecting my brain, but I’m watching McCoy-era Who and I haven’t noticed any problems with the scripts yet.

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@FelicityMorse That reminds me: I must Febreze my soul later.

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@PippinDrill Hell yeah. Did that deliberately after finding out that the “porridge drawer” was A Thing once and reading up on them. As a sassenach, mine came out like a sweet sultana flapjack.

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mathowie I’m “I don’t understand a single word on this post” years old now…

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Ugh. Have lurgy. *Checks to see if Columbo is on Netflix*

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@MrGreenGus @David_on_a_bike Google maps? You can pre-download the whole of Japan as an “offline map” while on WiFi; that should significantly reduce data usage when viewing the maps later.

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Finally got around to Mr Robot. Gosh. An astounding adaptation of a non-existent Philip K Dick novel.

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Dorianlynskey Nobody does dystopian nihilism quite like a tabloid’s website.…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:27 AM, Mar 15th, 2019 via Twitter Web Client)