Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 26th, 2019

Gawd, but American Hustle has the best soundtrack.

via Twitter for iPhone from Bristol, England

@Bingo_Little Does this mean I have to grow an evil goatee?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Bingo_Little from Bristol, England

ales_kot Tony Scott once secretly chased a navy submarine into open waters to get a key shot for Crimson Tide.

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 3:45 PM, Mar 26th, 2019 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

nathanwpyle good morning

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:05 PM, Mar 26th, 2019 via Twitter Web Client)

@ahnlak This was a big box holding everything that begins with “S”, right?

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ahnlak

@ahnlak If it’s quicker to drive to Bristol I know where mine is 😂

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ahnlak from Bristol, England

bitfield LIFEHACK: If you have a scheduled meeting, set your reminder five minutes beforehand, to allow for the following essential activities:

via Buffer (retweeted on 9:41 AM, Mar 26th, 2019 via Twitter Web Client)

@moselmensch @GhostfactKillah @hels Incidentally, as a small-handed man I was convinced by Tech Men On Podcasts that I’d get used to it really quick when I finally gave up on my old SE and went bigger. It’s been months and the sheer size of my new phone (XR) still annoys me daily. So don’t give in!

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@anildash @hels I have no opinion here, but I do want to steal “Carbon Fiber Beef Jerky Masculine” as a term for that category in the future 😂

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