@thomasvenables @LetMeStart You’re welcome. I SAID, “YOU’RE WELCOME.”
LetMeStart 39: I’m sure my 40s will be fine!
40: See? I’m fine!
41: Still doing fine!
42: [Need various organs removed, 27 new foods cause heartburn, facial tectonic plate movement reveals wrinkles overnight, left knee now predicts rain, can no longer read without glasses, dairy hates you]

@Kavey Hello crazy hat lady. pic.twitter.com/H1wCKTAJUq
RellyAB After yesterday’s glitter bomb project, I sent the Roomba round. It has found a pocket of glitter I missed and has now spread a thin but consistent twinkle around my ground floor 👍🙄😩
laurenduca Sex is cool and all but have you ever tried obsessing over a mediocre person who’s just not that into you
@chubbybannister Just so long as it’s not Inspector Sands…
oliviasolon Hipster whines at tech mag for using his pic to imply hipsters look the same, discovers pic was of an entirely different hipster theregister.co.uk/2019/03/06/hip…
@hoverbird I’m only here for the earnest replies.

hoverbird Brand new AirPods were charging all night but still DEAD in the morning
Remember when Apple meant “It just is working”? Steve Johns rolling in his grave pic.twitter.com/DZ69f0A6kt
04:49. Luckily the talking monkey in the dream that woke me was so polite and charming that I don’t mind so much. 🐒