Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 28th, 2019

@atpfm At some point, I’d love an after-show explanation/rant about why standing in line at the DMV for hours is such a beloved part of US culture :D (In the UK, we generally just do it on the web:…)

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@Hemmo 1200 pages of BREXIT MEANS BREXIT scrawled in crayon.

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Remind me, is this account generated by one of @robmanuel’s bots?…

via Twitter for iPhone from Bristol, England

@smogo @DevilXFive LFO, where a man discovers he can control people with sound. I’m not even sure it’s horror, but for some reason my brain is associating it with t’podcast.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to smogo from Bristol, England

I appear to be watching a very strange Swedish film. I can’t remember whether I can blame this one on @DevilXFive or not.

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@tadethompson What I generally do is drink enough whisky that I don’t care I’ve got a cold any more. (Okay, so also ginger, cloves and honey in hot water. But mostly whisky.)

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@Ihnatko Lightroom tip: in Develop, if you hold down the backslash (\) key it’ll show you the photo as it was before your edits. Y and Opt-Y will open a split view (horizontal/vertical) so you can compare before/after on the same screen.

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Ihnatko If you’re disappointed with your photos compared to the shots that other people take and keep blaming yourself or your camera, I’ve got some words of encouragement: the difference between an unedited photo and one that’s had even just 15 minutes of tweaking in an app is HUGE.

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EmilyKoch Very sad to hear this. Thoughts are with Andrew’s family.…

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@HuffPostUKPol He was just cleaning his incompetence and it went off.

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@Kavey It would not surprise to find that a) it’s manual, and/or b) that they’re *all* always sent out on Wednesday, because that’s when the librarian can scan the books without being pestered by the public! (Cynical yet possible suggestion by @Bingo_Little!)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Kavey from Bristol, England

@Kavey Yes! Unlike the day they sent the “Your reservations are ready to pick up!” email. Sigh.

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So apparently test-screenings have always been a bit of a git.…

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caitlinmoran Fucking hell - imagine wanting to be Prime Minister, but also thinking it was a hard burn to slag off someone for going to a posh school you consider inferior to your posh school. GROW UP YOU BELL-ENDS.…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:50 PM, Mar 28th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)

NateSilver538 This is like that scene from Wargames where the computer starts playing out randomly-named strategies dozens at a time and they all fail miserably before realizing that the only winning move is not to play.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:33 AM, Mar 28th, 2019 via Twitter for iPhone)