DailyQuail It’s true, Dorries isn’t getting letters about snow in her constituency any more. That’s because Aslan won.
@ahnlak Sadly, I am otherwise occupied this evening.
ahnlak RT @BrisBeerFactory: Come along to our Brewery Tour at 7pm. £10 for lots of beers… (walking distance I think @gothick !)
@archidave Really? Dang.
Hah! Who couldn’t love a charity called the Dog Action Welfare Group? #acronyms
@Swishrelic “Bristol designers do it with Helvetical”?
@marklesuk To be fair, I’m technically using their trademark to make money, aren’t I? Will have to avoid humourless corporates in future.
@hayles I may simply move to one of the many other shirt-printing companies who *do* seem to sell Helvetica shirts…
@hayles Yeah, but then some bugger will complain that Comic Sans is a trademark too.
@hayles Yes, apparently it’s a trademark issue, not a copyright one.
Aha. Just heard from Spreadshirt. Apparently I am not allowed to use the word “Helvetica” on a t-shirt. Ever. At all. Oh well.
@tholder As long as you’ve carefully documented the procedure for not doing your homework, you’ll be fine.
@nickbrompton Cool!
@nickbrompton Yeah, uncertainty is the worst. Hope the outcome’s good for you.
@matthew_roach Nah; my website validates. They probably can’t even read it.
RT: @CHSW: @gothick Good luck Matt - hope you have a fun day! #santasontherun <— Just hoping I don’t freeze my baubles…
@bertpalmer Ta :) Also considered: “Warning. This is a standards-compliant T-shirt. It may not render if worn by a Microsoft employee.”
@hayles Try it again anyway!
@nickbrompton Goodness. Do you have a preference?
@ahnlak Maybe. Or maybe “Helvetica” or “Comic Sans”; they’re both trademarks. Strange how they suddenly objected after nearly two years!
@SpikyZebra No, I am merely wishful-thinking.
Playing JJ72’s _Snow_ in an appeal to the snow gods. Maybe I can get snowed in before I have to leave for work.
Curses. Spreadshirt have taken down one of my designs for alleged copyright violation. (The “Comic Sans” one http://bit.ly/cadS2L )