@Jorence Aww! Thanks :)
@KaveyF That’s the main problem, really: trouble doing things in moderation.
@KaveyF Yah, was ace. I had rump steak with anchovy butter sauce; was lush.
@KaveyF Yes, I did, and yes it was! Sorry, been either too tired or too hungover to be very communicative this week :(
@Jorence ‘tis 11am. So at least I don’t have to get out of bed too early.
@jonhickman Sure you didn’t forget to close a tag in a post?
@Jorence Thanks!
@KaveyF Mrmfmmf. Not any more. Had steak at Graze for breakfast. At, erm, 4pm. Feeling better now :)
@bexxi Thank you. I needed that.
Thanks to @EyOki and @missmcq for sponsoring me in #santasontherun tomorrow morning :) http://bit.ly/matt-santa
@thomasvenables Ooof. Stop tweeting so loud. *covers ears with pillow*
As if by magic, friends are arriving to pick me up and drive me to breakfast. My day is improving.
*vague groaning noises*
@KaveyF Shhhh.