@meemalee It’s perfectly safe. Unless perhaps you’re a Tottenham fan.
@KaveyF Will see if I can dig one out later. Aren’t many as it was mostly me snapping.
@KaveyF But, seeing as you asked :) http://twitpic.com/3e5lhi
I never wanted to hide behind the sofa watching Dr Who as a kid. Quite tempted while watching #apprentice right now, though. #cringe #cringe
@ahnlak Weather report on the Today programme this morning: “The weather: Cold.” Fair enough, I thought.
@domwakeling Wait till I tell you about the one where I got an email from the IT director that wasn’t a Word attachment with no subject…
@g_e_r_b It didn’t look _that_ bad from my initial once-over…
@koded730 Nope, don’t know whether it’s faster or not. It just seems to fit better with my way of thinking. Completely subjective choice.
After evaluating CodeIgniter and CakePHP, looks like my choice is going to be… Erm… Symfony.
@NiteGlow Think I got mine from a big Boots.
@johnfbraun Stop taunting me with your tales of non-dysfunctional companies!
@archidave 50. You design stuff. By the time you’ve handed out 50 you’ll want to redesign the cards. :)
I had a dream last night where I was invited to a meeting that *actually had an agenda*.
@andybeebristol It’s only a clothing medium who can get in touch with my sense of fashion…
@archidave Unfortunately I dressed for -10. Forgot how warm some of my snowboarding gear is!
@paulahillier Cool. Must’ve been in a pub? :)
Gah! Too hot. Need to find a happy clothing medium.