@tsumuchinfo Ooooh. Big Christmas smile on face now :) Thank you for my pressie, it’s lovely!
@stillawake Rage.
@twittl3s You’re very welcome.
twittl3s CH back on thanx to @gothick ‘s earlier tweet about the hairdryer. Matt you’re a bloomin marvel xx
@archidave I deduce that you have foolishly not bought yourself a big present.
@IreneB9 Yup, all fixed. Merry Chrimbo!
@Jorence Yeah, baby. Rock star fanheater pointer. That’s me.
@ahnlak Apparently chillier than it’s been since I moved in in 1999. Never frozen before!
(And yes, when you stand outside in Bristol opening water valves while pointing a fan heater at utility pipes, the Casualty music plays.)
Hurrah! After manly problem-solving involving standing outside pointing a fan-heater at utility pipes, I now have water again.
Merry Christmas all. Though my first present appears to be the gift of no water supply to my house. Anyone else? #bristol
@KaveyF Erm. No. Erm. Obviously, I’ve just been speaking lyrics in a rhythmic fashion. Word.
Still, bedtime Real Soon Now.
@KaveyF That’s because I was procrastinating so much I only just finished the wrapping :)
@tsunimee Oh, okay. Happy Christmas, anyway :)
@tsunimee Good mess or bad mess?