@ahnlak It’s a bit sad, actually. They’re sold as a kit, with a pygmy albino lap-unicorn and a nail file.
(And if _that_ isn’t a unique sentence, I don’t know what is…)
@nickbrompton Before you say that, bear in mind that evil-supervillain-Stuart would have to stroke a pygmy albino lap-pony while he laughed.
@BradleyLaw Forvo is helpful here :) http://www.forvo.com/wor…
My bet: Stuart stayed behind after last week’s #apprentice and killed Lord Sugar. At the end he’ll fire them both, rip off mask, and laugh!
@hayles I’m sure @tsunimee and I don’t know what you mean. #warning #thistweetmaycontainlies
@Dichohecho @archidave They were a shoegazer band from the late 1990s, I believe.
@arlinelyons I could really do with employing that rule, minus the actual travelling.
@filce Yup. Now watching Geoffrey Palmer play a sinister winemaker :)
@tsunimee Let’s go hide in a bunker somewhere until January.
So, should I finally start tidying the lounge, or watch another episode of _The Avengers_? Because I obviously can’t do _both_…
@penelopeelse Ah. Seen lots of people use border-bottom instead of underline as it doesn’t chop through the text’s descenders. Looks nicer.
You know how I said I was going to tidy the flat? Apparently, I lied.
@archidave But it goes so well with the stripy jumper. Without the bag, you’d just be a French dude in an eyemask.
@penelopeelse When that happens to me I’m looking at the wrong page, or I’ve misspelled “decoration”. But I guess you’re smarter than me :)
@codepo8 Odd; when I click on that, I just get a big sign that says “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY”. :)
Just been out shopping. First time I’ve needed to turn off the traction control because I knew better than it did. Avoid those side-streets!
@cyberetto I’ve certainly heard it before, but I didn’t know it was Hanlon’s Razor.
Odd. One of my recent photos has about 7 times as many views as any of the others, all from an unknown referrer. (http://flic.kr/p/8Yz6wp)
Starting to feel a bit better, though getting up still tough. Might just tidy the flat today.
@archidave Although it depends what you meant by “that”…
@archidave No, which is where things get a bit murky, depending on in which country someone might sue me.
@matthew_roach @archidave Or make sure it’s specifically included in the royalty agreement, I guess…
@archidave Although I claim fair use for this reproduction for a review… Hmm. http://www.flickr.com/ph…
@matthew_roach @archidave Yes; some publishers clearly aren’t that electronically clued-up. You can tell by the awful OCR book conversions.
@archidave Two observations: (a) Yes, they’re using it, and (b) the cover shows up in Kindle for Mac/Windows, too.
@archidave Want me to see? You can download first chapter for free, normally, and that’ll include the cover.
@archidave Wouldn’t entirely surprise me.
@archidave Depends on the book, but quite often, yes, covers included. Can look a bit pants unless it’s been well-converted, though.
Who is @RickPantera and why does he keep following and unfollowing me? Stalker, robot or just odd?