So, according to this new study, aspirin can actually cure the side effects of the Daily Mail, right?
@ahnlak :)
Home. May raid the snowboarding suitcase for clothes for tomorrow.
@KaveyF Ooo noo!
@KaveyF Now give me a “woo”!
@ahnlak All the computational power and sensors in modern cars, and the interior lights don’t just turn themselves off. D’uh.
@KaveyF I actually own a mains car battery charger just for that purpose. Comes of having owned a string of cheap old cars :)
@RichNeville Did they? Hearing conflicting reports on that at the mo.
Blog: Santas on the Run report, with a sad picture and a new date announced. #santasontherun #bristol
@KaveyF Aha. Finally got past their website landing page. They’re just far away enough from my normal haunts to be awkward to get to…
@SimonPeevers I have it on good authority that Primark sell dirt cheap thermal baselayer leggings, or “mantights”, as I think of them.
@ahnlak Hahahaha *snort* *ulp* Erm. Sorry. Shouldn’t laugh. Erm. *sympathy*
Bristol people: Warning! I am declaring a Quebec Charlie situation. It is Quite Cold, I repeat: Quite Cold. This is not a drill.
Need. Warmer. Work. Trousers. #boughtinjuly
Gawd. Is it really -7C out there tight now? *packs handwarmers* #bristol