Hmm. The @6sync signup process is quite cryptic if you don’t know the logos of all the different Linux flavours by silhouette.
So, apparently if you keep something in a kettle for too long, it boils over. Who’d have thought?
@ahnlak Ta for info. Will sign up once I’ve got this PHP app working. i.e., maybe never.
@meemalee *giggle*
@meemalee That was Dr. Who. You may be thinking of a flux capacitor..
@meemalee Who, us? *whistles innocently* (Hey, @ahnlak! Reverse the polarity of the neutron flux! Quick!)
@ahnlak I’m not entirely sure that “inhuman” is the best way of selling customer service…
@ahnlak There we go.
@ahnlak Erm. Well, I know what I mean.
@ahnlak Not necessarily shared. Just don’t need a whole physical box to myself.
@ahnlak Oooh, ‘ello. Yur. Did you mention you had a referral thingy with your hosting provider? Could do with some virtual hosting.
Hurrah! Apple finally allow promo codes to be used worldwide. About bloody time.
@ahnlak *prod*
@koded730 They wouldn’t play well together on same project, I think. But doing the tutorial project in each would be good learning.
I’m coming down fast but I’m miles above you… #Bristol
It doesn’t feel that cold, but the harbour’s frozen over. Pretty light today.