Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 24th, 2010

@EyOki Tather the converse, sadly. If you’re rubbish at wrapping, you need all the gadgety help you can get!

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Still, maybe a bit more _Avengers_ first…

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@EyOki Now, where did I put the _paper_… D’oh!

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@EyOki I am a highly-prepared wrapping ninja.

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Hmm. I should probably do some wrapping.

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DigitalJonathan NHS Government cuts to homeopathy: Budget diluted billon-fold but high hopes new £1 budget will be just as effective.

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Mmmmm. Tara King. Mmmmmm.

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@tsunimee That’s prerererrfectly okayayayayay.

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Slightly worrying programme title…

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@RellyAB That’s going to have to be very big for us all to share.

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@hayles Hmm. Guessing you’re just staring sternly at your phone? Good luck with the flight.

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More caviar? Don’t mind if I do.

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@ahnlak Well, compared to a workday, I do. But not one that would leave me in a happy state if I stayed up coding until 3am.

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@ahnlak It wouldn’t be a problem if I could sleep in tomorrow. Sigh.

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@ahnlak Oh, it’s never too much coffee _at the time_. It’s just likely to have been too much coffee when lying awake at 3am tomorrow.

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chatting with @KaveyF on Skype and drinking Too Much Coffee, courtesy of new espresso machine.

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RT @Bristol_Culture:Head down to Guilbert’s on Small Street for amazing chocolates. <— Just did! Final pressie sorted!

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NoradSanta Track Santa with NORAD from your mobile phone. On Dec. 24 open Google Maps for mobile and search “Santa” for his location!

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