@RellyAB Sometimes a crack is just a crack.
@chocablog Evolution in action.
@KaveyF Are you trying to recreate my university experience?
@tsunimee Oooh. Corset. I approve already.
@laverneshow @caitlinmoran Hah!
@technex Where’s your soul? Where’s your romance? Where are your irrational superstitions about BIG ROUND NUMBERS?
@tsunimee Wow. Can’t be a very interesting film, then! *giggles*
@HeikeM It’s been good :)
@Dru_Marland Merci :)
@laverneshow Hang on, I thought it was @caitlinmoran who was the closet goth? *ducks* #nakedcity #godifeelold
@tsunimee Oooh. Like the black number. Avatar one goes a bit over my head. Sure I’ll watch it in the end, though…
@AndyCarolan If you did that to me, I’d respond with my customary warm retards.
For anyone who doesn’t know what I’m on about, I did the Eyjafjallajökull trance remix that just featured on the BBC Radio 4 #newsquiz :)
Wow! Just got a mail telling me I made the News Quiz review of the year! :D
@hayles Dead would be fine. Injured, though — that’s _expensive_. *ducks* *runs*
@Lillput Yeah, main reason I didn’t know was because I hardly ever drive. Car parks just don’t make an impact on my consciousness!
@Thehappyfatgirl That was my observation, too. But you’ll see it on signs now I’ve mentioned it. @Bristol_Culture
@rabidbee Hah! I have found Bristol’s real West End. And it’s not quite that salubrious. http://www.flickr.com/ph…
@rabidbee Mmm. But I’m guessing this is an artificial creation meant to evoke London’s West End. Or am I being cynical?
Actually, that might be a good question for @Bristol_Culture. When did Bristol develop a “West End”, and who defined it?
@rabidbee I look forward to lots of confused tourists wondering where all the big theatres are.
@rabidbee Turns out it’s the NCP on the Triangle. Apparently Whiteladies Road is also the “West End” now.
@rabidbee Honest. @iphonefool asked me where the West End car park was the other day and I had no idea.
@rabidbee Oh, okay. It’s just they’ve started putting up signs for it now, and I got confused because I didn’t know we had one.
@caitlinmoran Thank you; I needed that.
@Lillput I’ve not seen Underworld. Is that a hint that I probably shouldn’t?
@bexxi *hug* Okay, let’s stay at home together feeling slightly ill. I’m up for that!
@mistymaria Chadwell Heath, Redbridge and Gants HIll, in that order :)
@hayles Dear god. Do NOT go to America without insurance. Bear in mind what I do for a living. I’ve seen bills that would turn you white.
@hayles And I’m guessing below the excess on the travel insurance? :(
@hayles Yur. They don’t get much cheaper than that anywhere. They’re pretty good value as they are, I guess.
@hayles Did you do it on the way out or the way back?
@voog Wouldn’t that ability disqualify you?
@hayles *sympathy* Clearly, this also means you need an extra-good job so you can afford the sturdier f/1.4 as a replacement.
@hayles ONOES! What happened to the poor little mite?
RT @Dru_Marland: @Lillput @gothick “it was the best of films, it was the worst of films…”
@Lillput Actually, maybe that’s the answer. All the critics in the world watch them on New Year’s Eve to reset themselves for next year :)
@Lillput If nothing else, it’s probably a good way to recalibrate a film critic.
@Phooto Happy new year!
@timhayward Supermodels? Sorry, I think I missed a tweet.
Now that’s some serious extremes. Film 4 is showing _Casablanca_ back-to-back with _Star Trek V: The Final Frontier_.
…and I’m from Essex.
I don’t think I need to click on “programme description” for “The Only Way Is Essexmas” to know I’d rather poke my eyes out than watch it.
@rabidbee Good plan! Where _is_ the West End, anyway? I didn’t think we had one when I arrived in Bristol…
Wow. Just cleaned this mirror for the first time in ages. It’s like I bought the HD version. Cool.
@rabidbee Well, they feel pretty lovely to use! Just don’t know what the results are like yet :)
@rabidbee Still got the first roll of film in it. Should drag it out and finish it off. If I’d thought I’d’ve taken it on the Flickr walk…
Well, the tidying up has at least started paying off. It’s always handy to know where your 50mm prime lens is.
@Jorence No, I’m not feeling bad at all. Just haven’t done anything for days and it’s hard to start moving after that!
@Jorence Post-illness inertia is a git.
@Jorence :( I took so long to start the tidying I’ve not got around to it.
everythingabili The iTunes 12 days of Xmas is like having a roving reporter at a crap car boot sale
@dottyteakettle Not that the walls around here need a lot of encouragement. I swear some of them are more anchoring bolts than bricks now.
@BradleyLaw Just one of the many slightly shaky old hill-retaining walls around here having been got to by the ice…
@chocablog Personally, I think I’d prefer the alternative: an early chocolate and a hot night.
@KaveyF I’m with @chocolateguide on this one. Deffo the best pre-prepared stuff, for my money, with possible exception of Waitrose.
Hmm. Yup, think I’ll be walking on the _other_ side of Granby Hill in future. #bristol http://twitpic.com/3llf5d
@KaveyF Whhhh..uh?
@tsunimee Oh, goodness, did I miss more drama? *looks back through tweets to find out about knee*
@jacrats I can confirm the existence of outside. Though it seems bigger now, somehow.
@tsunimee I’m the fact that you’re plural might be a clue, dears?
@stillawake While I don’t recall actively hating it, it’s certainly a long way down my list of “stuff to spread on food”.
RT @Jorence: @gothick Yay! Build something MAGNIFICENT! <— I don’t think I have any other option! :) http://twitpic.com/3lk9ve
@BradleyLaw I’m playing the Bruce Willis special edition where you’re scored on flamboyance and quality of your one-liners.
Hurrah! I am finally well enough to hold down food. Now to tidy the lounge and then Build Something.
@stillawake Eww. I think hazelnut flavour is the main reason I grew up thinking I hated all nuts.
@sowerbyandluff Oooh, haggis. Maybe I should add one to my shopping list. PS: IOU an email. Sorry. And thanks for xmas single :)
@KaveyF @mistymaria @TippyTLawton OY!
@mistymaria @TippyTLawton @KaveyF Like I don’t have boobs!
You know, it would be quite nice if the entire media just shut up for a couple of days.
@mistymaria @TippyTLawton @KaveyF After all, if I want to drool over a bloke with chest hair, I can do it any time I like ;D
@mistymaria @TippyTLawton @KaveyF I went to have a bath. It seemed like a good move.
@Narshada Next time, then :)
@Narshada In other news, I have a new purchase :) http://twitpic.com/3lj191
@Narshada I know what you mean. Had plenty of reading time the last few days, but I turn to old comfort books when I’m ill :)
@KaveyF You make that sound like it’s not a good thing?
@Narshada Freakonomics? It’s pretty good. If I had any idea where my copy was, I’d lend it to you. Hmm…
@KaveyF How terrifyingly mournfully romantic. Are you sure you’re not a character in a teen vampire series of some kind?
In related thoughts, maybe I should open my Christmas cards now.
Hmm. That sounded like a lot of post.
@Alicia148 Christ, I’m done for, then.
@6sync Tease!