@thomasvenables But thank you; been enjoying the occasional NPR podcast for a while now…
@thomasvenables At the moment, I’m overjoyed just to get Radio 4 without static… #basementliving
Relieving my lightbulb rage by playing with my new internet radio :D
@twittl3s Don’t worry :)
@tsunimee Oh, okay then. *sniff*.
@tsunimee *kiss*
I remember when buying lightbulbs was a simple choice between 60W and 100W. Now you need a fucking degree in electroluminology.
@tsunimee Your English is brill, darling.
@jacrats *sympathy* I hate that moment. Tea time.
@tsunimee I think you mean “enervated and immutable”. *ducks* *runs*
@benparkatbjs Ah, you’re Dan, are you? Hi. I’m Mike. #misheardnames
@hayles Actually, I won the bonus ball syndicate double Christmas thungummy, so it’s £98 better than it could’ve been! :D
@hayles GRRRRR.
@Bingo_Little Feeling surprisingly chipper considering it was only two days ago I was getting up in the afternoon!