@joy_james Well it means something to me! :)
@bertyc Will try to remember that. Hopefully will have a good chance for a listen during the next jog…
@twittl3s Bonsoir!
@tyronem Ta.
@BradleyLaw Good good.
@BradleyLaw We’ll just have to see. One man’s background music is another man’s subtle brilliance…
New purchses: Arcade Fire’s “The Suburbs” and Mumford & Son’s “Sigh No More”. I’m so out of touch I don’t know if that’s cool or not, though
@rhodri I’ll swap you for mine. Little Jimmy Osmond’s “Long Haired Lover From Liverpool”. FFS.
@bexxi Ta!
Heh. See that? That’s my dad, that is: http://flic.kr/p/99gBYW
@mikedunn Interesting.
@hayles That smells of spam.
Hmm. Coffee. I may regret this.
@GabrielGadfly You too, huh? :( Dammit.
@voog Bambi.
@bananza Are you sure that was a good idea?
@bananza stjp proofsadeing an dhti send.
@mikedunn @benparkatbjs They are masters of writing things that are technically true that lead you to believe something completely false.
@mikedunn @benparkatbjs I’m sure she doesn’t. Sounded like it was just a newspaper on a leading-question fishing trip to me.
@hannahnicklin Hmm. Wonder if it’s the network centre for a major ISP? Google always think I’m in London…
@benparkatbjs Heh. The main difference being that I’m all in favour!
@benparkatbjs Of course, people aren’t strictly limited to a particular gender by their chromosomes, especially not these days!
@benparkatbjs Well, I’m making some assumptions, but sex is one of the easiest things to tell from DNA; boys have Y chromosome; girls don’t.
@mikedunn @benparkatbjs But if they’re going to do it, might want to do both sexes anyway, as they might get familial match.
@mikedunn @benparkatbjs Bear in mind that if they have a DNA sample to compare with, they’ll know if they’re looking for a man or a woman!
@ilovetypography But the posts are still there, though, right? Just not in the admin interface?
@ilovetypography Try switching themes temporarily? And check the page source — maybe they’re not displaying, but are there?
@ilovetypography Tried a different browser?
@ilovetypography Oooh. Plugin. I’ve had a plugin cause that for me, very recently. Can’t remember which one, though!
@lukeredpath You’ll find that quite tough. I hear kittens are born with their reference count set to 9.
Jesus. Visiting the Evening Post site now pops up ads for online bingo. #bristol
RT @paulahillier: @gothick Run… it’ll be a nice warm up! ;) <– *thrrrbt* *grr*
@digiguide All working now. Waiting with bated breath for a Mac version of Digiguide so I’m a bit less dependent on the website :)
Why do I always get the urge to do silly things when I should be going to bed? http://bit.ly/gfo1yR #blakes7